Author Archives: fionathanks

flat days

I had trouble waking up this morning. I was awake for a lot of last night with some pain. I slept for a couple more hours after P got up. When I did eventually wake up I probably could have

flat days

I had trouble waking up this morning. I was awake for a lot of last night with some pain. I slept for a couple more hours after P got up. When I did eventually wake up I probably could have


I went to the Evolve Yoga Festival on Saturday. I heard about it a month or two ago, but immediately dismissed it because I couldn’t justify the expense. Then in the local paper two weeks ago they were calling for


I went to the Evolve Yoga Festival on Saturday. I heard about it a month or two ago, but immediately dismissed it because I couldn’t justify the expense. Then in the local paper two weeks ago they were calling for


I FLIPPING LOVE COLESLAW! I don’t make a fancy one, but the one I make gets props, so I’m happy to share its secrets with you. I’ve never thought too much about the quantities, so have fun recreating my descriptions!


I FLIPPING LOVE COLESLAW! I don’t make a fancy one, but the one I make gets props, so I’m happy to share its secrets with you. I’ve never thought too much about the quantities, so have fun recreating my descriptions!

busy times

It has been busy. This time of year is always busy. We spent a week back in the city to see our families over Christmas. We drove 750km each way. We drove at least 250km just while we were there;

busy times

It has been busy. This time of year is always busy. We spent a week back in the city to see our families over Christmas. We drove 750km each way. We drove at least 250km just while we were there;


It’s my father’s birthday today. I woke him up with my phone call. It was 9.30am where he is, but he’s a shift worker and only got to bed at 3.30. We don’t have too much to talk about usually,


It’s my father’s birthday today. I woke him up with my phone call. It was 9.30am where he is, but he’s a shift worker and only got to bed at 3.30. We don’t have too much to talk about usually,


We’re not rich. And at the moment, we’re very not rich. We have no income. We’re not perfect. We haven’t mastered the art of going through life completely unfettered by the chains of intoxication. We drink boxed wine these days.


We’re not rich. And at the moment, we’re very not rich. We have no income. We’re not perfect. We haven’t mastered the art of going through life completely unfettered by the chains of intoxication. We drink boxed wine these days.


P worked out a deal with our landlords to do a bit of cleaning for them while they were away this week. They own some other houses near ours, and one of them was being vacated last weekend so we’ve


P worked out a deal with our landlords to do a bit of cleaning for them while they were away this week. They own some other houses near ours, and one of them was being vacated last weekend so we’ve


We live in the future! As I write this, a small, circular robot is vacuuming the bedroom. His name is Phil, and I think he’s amazing. It was perhaps one of the more ridiculous purchases I’ve made in my life,


We live in the future! As I write this, a small, circular robot is vacuuming the bedroom. His name is Phil, and I think he’s amazing. It was perhaps one of the more ridiculous purchases I’ve made in my life,


It’s pouring right now. It came over quickly, the morning was humid but sunny and a little windy, then the sky darkened and took on an odd greenish tinge. The house has been quite dark since 2pm, we’ve finally decided


It’s pouring right now. It came over quickly, the morning was humid but sunny and a little windy, then the sky darkened and took on an odd greenish tinge. The house has been quite dark since 2pm, we’ve finally decided

days off

I had a day off yesterday. When I have no job, how was it a day off? I had a day off from doing just about anything useful. I started by getting out of bed, retrieving my laptop, returning to

days off

I had a day off yesterday. When I have no job, how was it a day off? I had a day off from doing just about anything useful. I started by getting out of bed, retrieving my laptop, returning to